The mainframe has been going away for almost 40 years now and yet it seems to be as strong as ever. Experts predicted that the mainframe would be replaced by new web enabled systems in the late 90’s and early 2000’s but what they found is that the mainframe was still efficient and secure. Companies that used them simply were not ready to replace them and spend all the time and money to bring on new systems and perform a digital transformation with resources that may not adapt well to the new systems.
In the insurance industry, we have been using mainframes since the late 1980s and nothing changes quickly with insurance. We had lots of issues in finding qualified resources to maintain the systems with Cobol and JCL but FR Solutions helped us with the Mainframe College program and now we have Cobol and JCL experts that know our systems inside and out. The best part is they are young and vibrant and making an impact on the business.Christine Johannson